Saturday, May 24, 2008

NOSTALGIA at its best!!!

Well while switching channels(btw my favourite hobby) i "accidently" bumped in to doordarshan unfortunately and saw the "mile sur mera tumhara" and believe it or not cried because it took me back to the times when i was this young girl in 3rd or 4th standard,with so much of innocence and happiness with which i used to watch this ad and sing along,some of the languages which i even dont know i used to sing with ease because it was kind of bihearted and so much in to our memories that it is difficult to forget.Ask anyone of that era of 80's and they will turn emotional with the other ads of khaitan fans,the dhara ad where the kid jumps on food stuffs,the gold spot ad and many more.I bet if doordarshan rereuns those ads and old serials like circus,flopshow,humlog and many more of that era people will watch it with same enthuaism and it will generate more TRPs than IPL i bet.When the hell doordarshan will realise that it is sitting on the bed of gold with such nostalgic archives with it.I hope the heads of prasar bharati realise this instead of churning stupid new programs it better show rereuns of old ads and serials it has in its archives and see how it will change the very fortunes of its dismal broadcasting!!!

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