Saturday, September 20, 2008

Identity crisis!!

Well firstly i just want to scroll back my days in pune when i first arrived here in 1998(ofcourse my friends really pity on my knowledge of pune,i know)but whatever i have explored in these 1o years would like to just have a flash back of sorts.Well spent my junior college in garware college a typical brahmin oriented college speaking sweet and pure marathi a drastic change from the marathi being spoken in chandrapur where previously i was residing.Then did my graduation from modern college which was also a typical brahmin oriented college where professors mostly conversed in marathi and the did my PG from fergusson college pune the most happening and hip college.My memories dates back to tapadiya's mouthwatering samosas(we associate our best cherished memories with eateries and canteen why so??) in karve road ,the hoopla and enthuasism during ganesh festivals of shaniwarwada and tulsibagh ofcourse who can forget dagduseth ganpati,the most holy placed as far as pune is concerned,the buzzing and ever busy JM road where I spent my graduation days (ofcrs while bunking clg),here also Mamata's ever tasty samosas and kachoris,the pathaleshwar temple where we used to hangout during boring maths and statistics classes,and innumerable movies we have seen in mangala and rahul(which was not as cool as it is now).Then dating back to my PG days being spent in fergusson college road,the most coolest hangouts like savera,roopali,college's very own kimaya and oorja and ofcourse Priyadarshini's mouth watering kande pohe and phakad chaha as it is fondly called(deadly combination).Well while referring to all this memories i want to reiterate the fact that being in maharashtra almost for now 24 yrs and 9 months(my birth took place in chennai so skipping that time) i am as much maharashtrian as a typical maharashtrain will be,i can very nicely converse in marathi understand the politics and culture of pune and love the city as much as so called "marathi manus" (MNS) to be precise does,only diffference is my origins are not from here but in now way im lesser maharashtrian, i love my culture and ethnicity but at the same time i have whole heartedly accepted the culture existing here and iam proud to be called a puneri as it has given me my bread and butter,an identity and shelter so how can i ever forget the love and affection i got from this place.All this references are to prove the point that there is a certain integrity in this nation a deep rooted one which noone can break,we all coexist of different languages,culture contributing to the economy of the city and state and its realy difficult to break our coexistence so easily which the antisocial elements(MNS) ofcourse should understand.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Classics and reasons why they are called classics!!

Well starting from 1950's to 2008 hindi film industry has evolved tremendously technically and in terms of its growth and expansion worldwide.And in this evolution of the hindi film industry their have been many classic films which had tremendous mass appeal and popularity and are still remembered today.But in those every classic film there was a scence which was the highlight or to say the turning point of the film which the audiences still remember and appreciate.This is a small analysis of those memorable scences and the reason why they are so memorable.
1) Starting from the biggest blockbuster of the millenium,DDLJ ofcourse the last scence where kajol runs to catch hold of shahrukh and atlast love wins.Classic scene in every sense because it proves that love triumphs over all odds and hurdles something audiences especially young audiences loves to see again and again now also.

2)Do bigha zameen a film which is and always will be cult film,a sheer masterpiece by bimal roy,the scene in which the rickshaw puller balraj sahni chases another rickshaw with lot of pain and agony and atlast succumbs.A scene which brilliantly potrayed the pain of a poor man,the difficult circumstance the protagnist has to go through.

3) Ofcourse the classic film by hrishikesh mukerjee Anand,a film which is still remembered today for its simplicity yet having a strong impact on audiences.Here also the last scene where Anand
the main character is dead and his dear friend bhaskar is not able to accept the fact that his dear friend is dead,even before that scene the other scence where when anand is dieing he goes to search a doctor who may cure anand in the last moment but he clearly knows the fact that there is no cure for the disease.Both scenes brilliantly captured by the director.

4) A film which is one of my personal favourites is satya a dark yet thought provoking film,the scene where urmila gets to know the real identity of satya the main lead,the shock and the eventual shattering of her dreams and belief was captured brilliantly.

5)A film which may not be considered a classic but was defently a pathbreaking one was DCH,and the scene where Akash who never believes in true love,atlast falls in love and breaksdown helplessly is a scene beautifully enacted by Aamir khan.

6)Another film which I personaly liked was swades,and the scence where the train halts and mohan bhargav the lead character buys water from a poor kid and sees helplessly the poor kid selling water for meagre 25 paise.A scene which brings tears to our eyes.

These are just some of the classic films and the scenes in them which can be termed as the USPs of the film.