Tuesday, July 15, 2008

deal or nodeal.

Well recently the nuclear deal being one of the important issues faced by government overiding the important issues like inflation and crimes.But what is ammusing is to see the attitude of left parties and others opposing some on the reason that it would be anti-islamic.This is the most rediculous reasons,how in the world it is connected to muslims anyway.it is a deal related to india's entry into the elite club of nuclear powers and it would be a great oppurtunity for a growing country like india to utilise this power for energy purposes,for development purposes.Since this deal has been carefully crafted with the consultations with all the seniour scientists and analysts its in the interest of the nation to go ahead with the deal.And those opposing the deal even dont have concrete reasons to prove their point.Is india such a small democracy or its authority is so poor that it cant take decisions on its own and would be pressurized by other nations.This is even more rediculous.What is the need of the hour is to stand above all party lines and should support the government for the better future of india!!